
Stop Prop A: Protect Healthcare and Local Freedom in Amarillo

Prop A jeopardizes our reproductive rights and opens the door to harmful government overreach.

Join forces with Women’s March and our local partners on the ground. Help us knock on doors and speak with local Amarillo residents about the dangers of Prop A, urging them to get out the vote on election day. 



Understanding Prop A: What's at Stake

Prop A is an unnecessary and dangerous ordinance that seeks to make Amarillo a ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn.’ In reality, it threatens reproductive healthcare access, targets healthcare providers, and opens the door for extreme, expensive legal actions in Amarillo. We stand firmly against Prop A because it is a clear overreach of government power, has no place in any city, and is part of a larger out-of-town extremist push to criminalize abortion care nationally.

  • It’s unnecessary—abortion is already illegal in Texas, making Prop A a redundant, divisive measure. Prop A is a waste of Amarillo taxpayer dollars.

  • It empowers private lawsuits—neighbors could sue anyone they suspect of being involved in abortion care. Prop A turns neighbors against neighbors. 

  • It violates privacy—Prop A opens the door to surveillance and legal risks for people seeking reproductive healthcare. Prop A is a violation of our freedoms. 

  • It makes Amarillo a pawn—out-of-state extremist groups are using Amarillo to push their agenda to criminalize abortions nationally. Prop A aims to exploit local Amarillo governance. 

Prop A: Harmful for Amarillo Families

Prop A would negatively impact the community’s well-being, healthcare system, and local democracy.

Prop A is not about protecting anyone—it’s about giving the government and private citizens the power to interfere in deeply personal decisions. This ordinance would harm women, families, and healthcare providers in Amarillo by imposing unnecessary risks and forcing our community into legal battles over private healthcare decisions.

Prop A is an attack on our rights to healthcare and privacy. It would make it harder for Amarillo families to access the care they need and allow strangers to interfere in our personal decisions.

- Local Amarillo Resident

What Prop A Means for Your Healthcare

Prop A will limit access to essential care and criminalize healthcare providers.

Prop A could lead to costly lawsuits and criminal penalties for healthcare professionals just for doing their jobs. It would also discourage doctors from offering comprehensive care, limiting the options available to Amarillo residents in times of need.”

Prop A’s Impact on Healthcare Access for Texans and Beyond

The ordinance will impact not only Amarillo residents but also those from surrounding areas, including neighboring states, who drive through Amarillo for care.

Prop A could block people from neighboring states—like Oklahoma and Louisiana—from accessing essential healthcare. For many, Amarillo is a vital throughway for those seeking care, and this ordinance threatens to criminalize our roadways and City.

How to get involved 

Together, we can stop Prop A and protect Amarillo’s healthcare and freedom. Here’s how you can join the fight:

Action Steps:

  • Register to vote and make sure your friends and family do, too—vote NO on Prop A.


  • Join our community Canvass on October 12th to talk to your neighbors, distribute flyers, and canvass locally across Amarillo. 


  • Share this page with your networks to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with our community.

Q & A