Hit the streets in your city or town with feminist posters and pails of wheatpaste. Check out our Wheatpasting Toolkit, which includes a paste recipe, techniques, and downloadable posters (check local laws). Send us your pics so we can share them! Email actions@womensmarch.com
What is wildposting?
Wildposting, also known as flyposting and wheatpasting, is an art form that has existed for centuries. Before mass printing was available, it was an important medium for informative communication in public spaces. Advertisers began using this effective promotional technique when printing posters en masse became affordable.
In the 1960s, wildposting became a vehicle for artistic expression and political resistance. It is still an effective means of communication today. Many cities have restrictions on wheatpasting, so check your local laws. Here is another handy resource: How to Run Wheatpasting® Campaigns and Not Be Arrested!
It’s inexpensive, easy, and fun as long as you know a few tips.
Download our wheat pasting toolkit!
Wheatpasting toolkit
application/pdf - 1.78 MB
Download Posters!
Files can be sent to a professional printer, or choose a size for your home printer.

12"x18" Be A Feminist Posters w/ bleed (6)
application/pdf - 999 kB
18" x 24" Be A Feminist Poster w/ bleed (6)
application/pdf - 989 kB
8.5" x 14" Be A Feminist Poster w/ bleed (6)
application/pdf - 1.03 MB
8.5" x 14" Be A Feminist Poster Black & White (1)
application/pdf - 846 kB